Juices from conventionally and organically grown Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Maltaise demi-sanguine
blood orange were investigated for quality parameters and antioxidant capacity. This blood orange variety
is particularly rich in linoleic, linolenic acids, vitamin C and phenolic compounds. The quantitative
determination of these compounds in cv. Maltaise demi-sanguine juice produced under conventional
and organic agricultural practices revealed significant differences. The organically grown fruits contained
more hesperidin and total fatty acids amounts as well as a higher sugar content and a lower acidity.
Conventionally-grown fruit was found to have an increase in antioxidant capacity. In addition to having
higher antioxidant activity conventionally-grown fruit had an observed increase in the concentration of
phenolic acids and most flavonoids. The results of this study indicated that organically-grown Maltaise
demi-sanguine juice contained an increased concentration of hesperidin which has been observed to
possess biological activities associated with a healthy life.