I'm getting your order ready to ship in just a few minutes. I will post tracking right when I buy the label from ebay. I had a number of orders go out today and I'm getting caught up on my shipping finally. I had a very good burst of sales recently and many of them were large vintage electronics which tend to slow my shipping down a great deal. each order takes me 4 hours to test record that test , burn a disc and prepare their orders for safe shipping which means make a custom box and get everything packed as best I can to make the journey. Even with all that thought there's still no better than the flip of a coin that everything will make it in perfect condition as it was when I packed it.
Yours is next on the list to go out so I need to size it up for the proper container and see if everything fits properly first.
I will be listing another huge lot of Ferrari's tonight or tomorrow, probably just buy it now. I also will be listing a few hard to find ferrari's like color changers and color racers, also Matchbox Premieres Ferrari's lambos and Vetts as well as Imports. Also more large lots made up of just split window vetts, 80's vetts, 60's through '77 skinny sting ray vetts, Convertible vetts, Newer vetts. Mustangs, i have a vast collection of Mustangs, many many thousands of new and used, I'll start with a few gigantic lots and see what happens. i have them from every maker. I also have afew lots of oldies ready to list, 20' 30's 40's 50's hot rods, as well as regular looking stock models, all makers. Tons of bins filled with Muscle machines also to get started on selling, a 200 car lot of brand new Fast wheels cars and 50 or so speed wheels, Alarge Corgi Jopuniors Wizz wheels lot is in the making right now too.
Construction vehicles, have single pictures but now want to sell as a lot. 50 or so pieces. Tonka trucks pressed steel 60's 70's some are mint some are huge others are 6" also plastic tonka toys. Coca-Cola, Dale ehrnhardt, nascar lots all on the way .