(1) In case the President, the Prime Minister, members of the State Council, heads of
Executive Ministries, Justices of the Constitutional Court, judges, members of the
National Election Commission, the Chairman and members of the Board of Audit
and Inspection, and other public officials designated by Act have violated the
Constitution or other Acts in the performance of official duties, the National Assembly
may pass motions for their impeachment.
(2) A motion for impeachment prescribed in paragraph (1) may be proposed by one third
or more of the total members of the National Assembly, and shall require a concurrent
vote of a majority of the total members of the National Assembly for passage. Provided,
that a motion for the impeachment of the President shall be proposed by a majority
of the total members of the National Assembly and approved by two thirds or more
of the total members of the National Assembly.
(3) Any person against whom a motion for impeachment has been passed shall be
suspended from exercising his power until the impeachment has been adjudicated.
(4) A decision on impeachment shall not extend further than removal from public office.
Provided, that it shall not exempt the person impeached from civil or criminal liability.