Dream World
Dream World is the absolute stuff of kids! You won’t get out of here until they are exhausted… and you know how long that takes! This is a big American-style theme park with all the trimmings. Corkscrew, Bumping Cars, Swinging Viking Boat, Rollercoaster they are all there, and more besides. My personal favourite is the Giant's House where everything is 50 times as big as it should be - very convincing and it would be an absolutely great place to have a party. The Super Splash, and White Water Rapids are water rides and please note: You will get wet! Dream World also has a full fledged go-kart track and ‘Snow Land’ a display of artificial snow (although this attraction is not included in the main ticket fee). Dream World also features a live ‘Hollywood Action Show’ which up until recently had a dubious display of Nazi Storm Troopers successfully invading an Allied camp. Many people are glad that the current focus has changed to a T team invading a criminal’s den. This is well worth the trip. If you have kids (and the time) definitely take them.