I have seen both your emails tonight
and you have done no wrong .
You may have been confused over language with the Englishman.
But if not then, it would have happened later.
I have experience of language difficulty of ten years with Nenee, language was a problem at the beginning
but improved with time , but it takes time and patience and love
The Belgium guy was wrong always for you. I have known men like this.
A true and loving relationship is never easy to find particularly on an international site with so many differences.
I now have to tell you that before our meeting two weeks ago I had met a Chinese woman online last December
we had been building an online relationship slowly and with respect planning for me to to meet her in the school holidays 4 weeks ago
But this did not happen because my income was reduced March April May June and is only going to come back early August .
I advised her in May that i may not be able to travel and she became very distant. and was on holiday with her son this month
In that time we did not communicate , or she did not communicate to be honest.
i felt lost and it was then that I found you.
I have a very strong feeling for you and the girls.
She has come back to me last weekend and wants to resume our connection .
I dont know for sure what are my feelings just now. But I feel very bad about myself .
I have opened my heart to you and have very sincere feelings
I have made commitments and have feeling with her too .
I have to understand myself first.
I know I didn't have to tell you this but, I trust you and you should have no reason not to trust me .
She doesn't know about you and i am happier with that.
If I came to Thailand to meet you i would not want to travel everywhere . I have lived there . I know it .
It would be you I would come for , and maybe meet your family .
I have to make a decision very quickly .
Please be tolerant
If I come to you there will be no one else for me