Juliet returns to her little pedestal/tower and Nanette sees that she doesn’t have the flower and figures out that she has met a boy by how Juliet is acting. Juliet reveals that it is a Blue and Nanette instantly reacts dramatically to the doomed nature of their relationship. Later that night, Gnomeo sneaks back into the Red side while they are still on high alert from the intrusion and finds Juliet. She tries to get him to leave, but he wants to talk. Gnomeo takes a step and accidentally steps on a switch that activates Juliet’s tower, beaming out lights and blaring music. Lord Redbrick runs over to tell her to turn it down, and Gnomeo barely manages to escape with the help of Nanette. After steering her father away, Juliet checks through the top of the fence to see if Gnomeo’s OK. His head pops up on the other side, and he gives her the flower that she wanted. She takes it, and as they are about to kiss but their heads get stuck. They agree to meet tomorrow at the greenhouse place at 11:45