heart disease and, in particular, sudden cardiac death [1–4]. For example, in 15 large studies
enrolling more than 60,000 subjects, there was a decrease in mortality from ischemic heart
disease and in total mortality of about 20–30% after intake of fish oil, fatty fish or omega-3
fatty acids [5]. In large randomized controlled clinical trials [4,6], the fish and fish oil groups
showed a 20–29% reduction in the risk of death, and a 30% decrease in cardiovascular death.
Prospective epidemiological studies also showed that fish consumption or dietary intake of
fish oil reduce the risk of death, especially caused by coronary heart disease [1,2,7]. Fish oil
has also been found to improve inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis [8]. In
an earlier investigation, we studied the effect of fish oil introduced into bread, a food
consumed by most people in large amounts, on some risk factors for ischemic heart disease
in normal subjects [9]. In the present investigation, we wanted to study the effect of fish oil
in bread in patients with hyperlipidemia.