AFLP markers linked to Cf-10
A total of 545 pairs of primers combinations were
screened to identify the polymorphisms between
parental DNA, and 64 pairs of primers from all the
primer combinations amplified the polymorphic
fragments in parental DNA. And then, the polymorphic
primers were selected for bulked sergeant
analysis (BSA). The primers amplified approximately
34-105 bands per assay, and totally 1 328 bands
were obtained with 64 different primer combinations
and revealed 19%-43% polymorphism between the
resistant bulks and susceptible bulks. The AFLP bands
presented in one pool and absented in others were
regarded as candidate markers linked to Cf-10 gene,
and 14 primer combinations produced DNA fragments
presented only in one pool and absented in the other
finally. Fourteen pairs of primer combinations were
selected for the further AFLP analysis to screen individual
F2 plants. Totally three markers were found,
namely E-AGG/M-TTG133 (Fig. 2), E-ACC/MCTG206
and E-AAT/M-CAC90, tightly linked to the
gene Cf-10 at the distance of 5.8, 8.5 and 10.6 cM,
respectively (Fig. 3).
AFLP markers linked to Cf-10A total of 545 pairs of primers combinations werescreened to identify the polymorphisms betweenparental DNA, and 64 pairs of primers from all theprimer combinations amplified the polymorphicfragments in parental DNA. And then, the polymorphicprimers were selected for bulked sergeantanalysis (BSA). The primers amplified approximately34-105 bands per assay, and totally 1 328 bandswere obtained with 64 different primer combinationsand revealed 19%-43% polymorphism between theresistant bulks and susceptible bulks. The AFLP bandspresented in one pool and absented in others wereregarded as candidate markers linked to Cf-10 gene,and 14 primer combinations produced DNA fragmentspresented only in one pool and absented in the otherfinally. Fourteen pairs of primer combinations wereselected for the further AFLP analysis to screen individualF2 plants. Totally three markers were found,namely E-AGG/M-TTG133 (Fig. 2), E-ACC/MCTG206and E-AAT/M-CAC90, tightly linked to thegene Cf-10 at the distance of 5.8, 8.5 and 10.6 cM,respectively (Fig. 3).
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