An image of Eris that stays still at home never crosses my mind. I mean, Eris says she wants children, but I wonder if she is going to sit still. ...... I'm worried. "......" Afterwards, the conversation dropped. What should I do. I wonder what should I talk about. Old things, uh, uh. "Incidentally, Ghyslaine do you still practice your reading and writing?" "Oh sorry, after I learned it, I've never practiced again. Now I have forgotten most of it. Sorry, despite all of your hard work. " What a great attitude. I want Eris, who also didn't remember most of it, to emulate that. "The guys from the Holy Land of the Sword didn't believe that I was able to write letters." "But it should've been easy to prove?” “.... No, because most of the guys can’t read or write either, so they think it’s just scribbles.”
I want to see that sight a little. "What about you? Are you still practicing the sword?" "A little. When I have time, it’s part of my exercise routine, practice swings." "I thought because you’re magician you've stopped training them." "Even for a magician, muscles are necessary. Right?" I am not aiming for the top in sword skills. Paul who also had that goal, is gone. Though I was able to teach a little swordplay to Norn. But, in this world of swordplay, not being able to wear touki is deadly. "Do you remember the promise of the old days, Rudeus?" "Promise of the old days?" "Did you forget? About making a doll of me." Oh, come to think of it there was such a promise. One made on my 10-year-old birthday. How nostalgic. "I heard from someone that you’re still making dolls. When you have time, make one of me again." "Yeah, of course"
"I do not know much about art, but I like the dolls you make.