The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various cooking methods on the white rice (WR),
brown rice (BR) and parboiled geminated brown rice (PGBR) of the same variety, focusing on
c-oryzanol and tocols. The methods used for analysis of c-oryzanol and tocols included solvent extraction
and HPLC. The results indicated that PGBR had a higher content of c-oryzanol and tocols compared to BR
and WR, when different cooking methods (raw, steamed, boiled and fried) were used. Steaming method
retained the higher c-oryzanol content (53.6–62.2 mg/100 g) in both PGBR and BR, in comparison with
boiling (53.0–60.6 mg/100 g) and frying (23.4–31.5 mg/100 g) methods. Frying reduced the c-oryzanol
content significantly regardless of the rice type. Regarding tocols, a similar trend was noticed in all the
methods studied. Tocotrienol was the most abundant tocol found in PGBR and BR. Therefore, steaming
is the best cooking method to preserved most of the bioactive compounds; however, a slight increase
in total tocols was observed after frying.