This research was conducted among administrative/ clerical staff involved in graduate and postgraduate affairs in three universities located in Kedah and Perlis. The universities are: Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Universiti Technology MARA (UiTM) and College Universiti Insaniah (KUIN). A random sample of 3201 employees was selected and questionnaires were e-mailed to the respondentsi. A total of 100 questionnaires were returned providing response rate of 31.5 %. However, data cleaning resulted in 97 usable responses for the final analysis. An 18 item scale from the MultiFactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to measure the three components of transformational leadership[17, 20, 21], where by four items were used to measure charisma/ inspiration, ten items for individualized consideration, and four items individualized consideration. In addition, a five item questionnaire was used to measure job satisfaction, with the variables including wage, promotion, job, supervisors and colleagues[22]. A five point Likert scale was used ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Before conducting data analysis on Amos, the data was cleaned and normalized using SPSS 14.0. After that Exploratory Factor Analysis and reliability test (Cronbach’s alpha) was done on SPSS. Final analysis and model was done on Amos 16 after conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis in the first stage.