Because FileHold is a self-hosted system, the majority of the costs are just one-time fees. The price is broken up into several parts, with charges for the software, user licenses, and installation, implementation and training.
The largest cost is for the software, which is a one-time fee of $3,750. This includes five user licenses, all of the system's standard features and six months of technical support. Additional licenses for up to 20 users are $200 each. Once you go above 20 users, license fees drop to $40 each.
The other major portion of the one-time fee is for installation, implementation and training. FileHold offers three levels of this service that range from $1,200 for 8 hours of support and training to $3,600 for 24 hours of support and training.
The other one-time costs are for any additional features you may want. The prices, which vary for each added feature, are determined by your total software, user license and support costs. For example, the workflow feature is 10 percent of your initial price.
The only recurring cost is for ongoing support. You have the option of paying a yearly fee that gives you upgrades to the software and ongoing technical support. This cost is 20 percent of your original fee.
Instead of including all of the optional features with the software and making it more expensive for everyone, FileHold gives you the ability to save some money if there are features you don't want. Not all of the document management systems we analyzed offered this option.
What impressed us most was how transparent FileHold was about its costs. Many of the prices were listed on the company's website, and the company's support team quickly shared those that weren't. Many of the other systems we investigated had no pricing on their websites, and company representatives were hesitant to explain exactly how their pricing broke down.
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