We will start with a spreadsheet that has all of the data entered in some reasonably neat way.
We will create the model in a separate part of the spreadsheet. We will have one cell for each
variable. Solver will eventually put the optimal values in each cell.
We will have a single cell to represent the ob jective. We will enter a formula that represents
the ob jective. This formula must be a linear formula, so it must be of the form:
cell1*cell1'+cell2*cell2'+::: , where cell1, cell2 and so on contain constant values and cell1',
cell2' and so are the variable cells.
Helpful Hint: Excel has a function sumproduct() that is designed for linear programs.
sumproduct(a1..a10,b1..b10) is identical to a1*b1+a2*b2+a3*b3+:::+a10*b10. This function
will save much time and aggravation. All that is needed is that the length of the rst
range is the same as the length of the second range (so one can be horizontal and the other
Helpful Hint: It is possible to assign names to cells and ranges (under the Insert-Name menu).
Rather than use a1..a10 as the variables, you can name that range var (for example) and
then use var wherever a1..a10 would have been used.
We then have a cell to represent the left hand side of each constraint (again a linear function)
and another cell to represent the right hand side (a constant).
We then select Solver under the Tools menu. This gives a form to ll out to dene the linear
In the Set Cell" box, select the ob jective cell. Choose Maximize or Minimize.
In the By Changing Cells", put in the range containing the variable cells.