DBMS architecture is the way in which the data in a database is viewed (or represented to) by users. It helps you represent your data in an understandable way to the users, by hiding the complex bits that deal with the working of the system. Remember, DBMS architecture is not about how the DBMS software operates or how it processes data.
We’re going to take a look at the ANSI-SPARC DBMS standard model. ANSI is the acronym for American National Standards Institute. It sets standards for American goods so that they can be used anywhere in the world without compatibility problems. In the case of DBMS software, ANSI has standardized SQL, so that most DBMS products use SQL as the main query language. The ANSI has also standardized a three level DBMS architecture model followed by most database systems, and it’s known as the abstract ANSI-SPARC design standard. You can learn more about database design with SQL in this course.
The ANSI-SPARC Database Architectture is set up into three tiers. Let’s take a closer look at them.