At the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries, humanity was only beginning to see the consequences of not taking better care of the planet. Natural resources are rapidly drying up, wildlife is accelerating extinction, plasticised the ocean, and pollution permeates every aspect of human life. At the same time, the new virus causes animals to jump to humans with increasing regularity and severity. Avian influenza, swine flu and SARS are just some examples of new viruses that suddenly affect humans. Then, in 2020, a new virus called COVID-19 began to spread rapidly around the world, leading to a global pandemic that affected every aspect of human life and changed things forever.<br>Now, in 2050, 30 years after the pandemic, the world is very different from 2019. Before the pandemic, someone would notice that the biggest difference is... Until the virus spreads, people don't care if they're out with the right mask, or if they're going home to wash their hands clean, or, of course, they don't care about keeping a proper social distance from other passengers when travelling on mass transport. But after the outbreak, people began to pay attention to the importance of masks and epidemic prevention, many restaurants began to encourage people to take out, mass transport also began to refuse to carry on the wearing of masks passengers, while high-speed rail is to take the wearing masks, as well as the ban on eating in the car. With the hubris of the virus, society gradually began to pay attention to many previously unconcerned habits, as well as the importance of epidemic prevention.
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