Wait at least 1 hour after your last food of any kind (including lemonade), or do 1st thing in the morning in a fasted state.
Pour 1 liter of pure water into a 1 liter glass jar (plastic is ok, but who wants plastic?)
Mix into the water 2 teaspoons of salt, shaking and stirring until fully dissolved.
Drink the entire solution in 5 minutes or less. Try to drink in 1 big chug as I did in the video. I think it took me 20 seconds.
(Optional) Lie on your right side for 30 minutes. This will help the water pass through your system fast and more assuredly.
Hold It! Through the initial rumbles until you can’t hold any longer. This will ensure a nice big build up and I find sets the stage for the rest of your movements. Once you feel you can no longer hold out, go to the bathroom. A word of warning while you wait for this moment. DO NOT FART!!! You will most certainly not pass only air – if you know what I mean. This is also true throughout the rest of your day. Don’t be fooled or you will be leaving work to change your shorts. The first movement will be rather large and fairly powerful. You will want to flush almost immediately. In order to understand the whole messy details, take a look… if you dare.
Be prepared for 1-2 hours of movements. This is why I recommend doing the Salt Water Flush in the morning (along with being in a naturally fasted state). You might have 1-7 movements, with the first one being the most substantial, and subsequent movements being lesser and lesser so with each passing flush.
Take your first lemonade after your first movement. You want enough time to pass for the liquid to pass through your stomach and into your colon before your stomach is ready to process your lemonade.
Start your day when movements are 15 minutes apart. After that you should be ok to hold it until you can find a washroom should you have to go to work, or out into the public world. For this reason I choose to undergo this process in the evening, with nowhere else to go for the rest of the day. (Also, because I like to have a shower following, and truth be told, I am not exactly a morning person.) The Salt Water Flush isn’t exactly pleasant, but it’s critical to an effective detox.