Fusarium wilt of pepper outbreaks in the region where pepper crop has been grown for many years
and it has already become a major phy to pathogen all over the world. The goal of this study is to check
bio-organic fertilizer capability on controlling pepper Fusarium wilt and promoting plant growth in greenhouse
and field. Pot experiments were conducted in greenhouse which showed that isolates Ljx101 and
Lja002, identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtilis, had satisfactory biocontrol effects on
Fusarium wilt and growth promoting abilities on pepper plant. In addition, the bio-organic fertilizer (BOF),
mixed with Lja002 and Ljx101, not only controlled Fusarium wilt disease but also significantly promoted
plant growth in pot. In the treatment of BOF1, pepper plant survival rate was increased by 58.42% in
greenhouse condition and defense enzymes including polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and superoxide
dismutase activity were largely enhanced by 45.54, 68.78 and 46.21% in roots as compared with pathogen
control. Field experiments indicated that BOF had stable characteristics on controlling pepper Fusarium
wilt and increasing pepper yield. These results demonstrate that BOF is a promising way to control
soil-borne pathogen and promote crops growth in field production.