Concerns over the safety of statins have increased since
the voluntary withdrawal of Cervistatin from the world
market, in 2001. Statins have been linked to adverse
effects involving the liver, kidney, and nervous system.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that in the absence of
rhabdomyolysis, statins do not cause renal insuffiency.
Baseline levels of liver transaminases and renal function
tests are recommended before initiating treatment. It is
also appropriate to measure transaminase levels
periodically. Elevated LFTs represent a dose-related effect
which may resolve spontaneously or with dose/drug
change. Serious muscle toxicities with statins are
extremely rare and given the magnitude of cardiovascular
events avoided due to long-term statin therapy the
benefits of these drugs most certainly outweigh the risks.
As with all medications, patients and physicians should be
aware of potential adverse effects and are encouraged to
report all events
Concerns over the safety of statins have increased sincethe voluntary withdrawal of Cervistatin from the worldmarket, in 2001. Statins have been linked to adverseeffects involving the liver, kidney, and nervous system.Nevertheless, it is important to note that in the absence ofrhabdomyolysis, statins do not cause renal insuffiency.Baseline levels of liver transaminases and renal functiontests are recommended before initiating treatment. It isalso appropriate to measure transaminase levelsperiodically. Elevated LFTs represent a dose-related effectwhich may resolve spontaneously or with dose/drugchange. Serious muscle toxicities with statins areextremely rare and given the magnitude of cardiovascularevents avoided due to long-term statin therapy thebenefits of these drugs most certainly outweigh the risks.As with all medications, patients and physicians should beaware of potential adverse effects and are encouraged toreport all events
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