From the above Table 9, it is observed that, all the variables except category of
school are found to be significant.
The performances of female students are 1.758 times higher than that of the
performances of male students. As far as medium of instruction is concerned, 2.075
times better performance of English medium school is observed, than that of the
Bengali medium schools.
On the other hand, the performances of Govt. schools comparing to the others
i.e., non-Govt. schools are better (with odds ratios 0.705). Similarly, the performances
of urban students are 1.479 times better than the rural students.
Looking at the length of confidence interval of estimated odds, we find that
category of school is estimated with 95% confidence having shortest interval length.
Here we consider Matriculation result as a dependent variable, where as gender of
students, medium of instruction, category of school and location of schools are
independent variables.