atom supplies five valence electrons. A total of ten electrons must therefore be
assigned to the eight molecular orbitals shown in Fig. 4.31. Two fill the 2s-orbital.
The next two fill the 2s*-orbital. Next in line for occupation are the two 2porbitals,
which can hold a total of four electrons. The last two electrons then enter
the 2p-orbital. The ground configuration is therefore
This configuration is shown as (44), where the boxes represent molecular orbitals.
At first sight, the molecular orbital description of N2 looks quite different
from the Lewis description (:NΩN:). However, it is, in fact, very closely related.
We can see their similarity by defining the bond order (b) in molecular orbital
atom supplies five valence electrons. A total of ten electrons must therefore beassigned to the eight molecular orbitals shown in Fig. 4.31. Two fill the 2s-orbital.The next two fill the 2s*-orbital. Next in line for occupation are the two 2porbitals,which can hold a total of four electrons. The last two electrons then enterthe 2p-orbital. The ground configuration is thereforeThis configuration is shown as (44), where the boxes represent molecular orbitals.At first sight, the molecular orbital description of N2 looks quite differentfrom the Lewis description (:NΩN:). However, it is, in fact, very closely related.We can see their similarity by defining the bond order (b) in molecular orbital
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