Here, R/R0GGS,0 corresponds to the sensor's off-set, which is equal to
0.687 and SGGS,H2O2 corresponds to the sensor's sensitivity towards
H2O2, which is equal to 0.046 (% v/v)1.
In the same way, the sensitivity of the GGS 5333 T towards
humidity and gas temperature in presence of H2O2 (CH2O2
¼ 1.67% v/
v) was determined. Again, the normalised resistance values have
been analysed. A summary of the obtained sensor characteristics is
provided in Table 3.
The sensors sensitivity towards water vapour is about 7 times
lower compared to that towards H2O2. Also, as the GGS 5333 T is
operated with a constant heating voltage, the sensors temperature