(b) where such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
Section 20. Appeal to Minister relating to approval
(1) Any person or approved person aggrieved with any decision or action of the Board under section 16, 18 or 19 may appeal against such decision to the Minister.
(2) The Minister shall have the power to confirm, reverse or vary the decision or action of the Board.
Section 21. Application of Part IV
Part IV shall apply to the exportation and contained use activities involving living modified organisms and importation of living modified organisms for purposes of undertaking a contained use activity.
Section 22. Requirement for notification
(1) No person shall undertake any of the following activities without giving prior notification to the Board:
(a) exportation of living modified organisms;
(b) contained use involving living modified organisms;
(c) importation of living modified organisms for purposes of undertaking a contained use activity.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable?
(a) where such person is an individual, to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction;
(b) where such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
(b) where such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
Section 20. Appeal to Minister relating to approval
(1) Any person or approved person aggrieved with any decision or action of the Board under section 16, 18 or 19 may appeal against such decision to the Minister.
(2) The Minister shall have the power to confirm, reverse or vary the decision or action of the Board.
Section 21. Application of Part IV
Part IV shall apply to the exportation and contained use activities involving living modified organisms and importation of living modified organisms for purposes of undertaking a contained use activity.
Section 22. Requirement for notification
(1) No person shall undertake any of the following activities without giving prior notification to the Board:
(a) exportation of living modified organisms;
(b) contained use involving living modified organisms;
(c) importation of living modified organisms for purposes of undertaking a contained use activity.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable?
(a) where such person is an individual, to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction;
(b) where such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

(b) where such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
Section 20. Appeal to Minister relating to approval
( 1 ) บุคคลหรือคนหนักใจกับการตัดสินใจใด ๆที่ได้รับการอนุมัติหรือการกระทำของคณะกรรมการตาม มาตรา 16 , 18 หรือ 19 อาจอุทธรณ์ต่อการตัดสินใจดังกล่าว รมว. .
( 2 ) ให้รัฐมนตรีมีอำนาจในการยืนยันกลับ หรือเปลี่ยนแปลงการตัดสินใจหรือการกระทำของคณะกรรมการ
Part IV - การแจ้งเตือนสำหรับส่งออก ที่มีอยู่ใช้และการนำเข้ามีใช้
มาตรา 21 ส่วนที่ 4
ใบสมัครของส่วนที่สี่จะใช้เพื่อการส่งออกและมีกิจกรรมที่เกี่ยวข้องกับชีวิตและการใช้สิ่งมีชีวิตดัดนำเข้ามีชีวิตสิ่งมีชีวิตดัดแปรเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ของการดำเนินการใช้กิจกรรมที่มีอยู่ .
มาตรา 22 ความต้องการสำหรับการแจ้งเตือน
( 1 ) ห้ามมิให้ผู้ใดดำเนินการใด ๆของกิจกรรมต่อไปนี้โดยไม่แจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้าไปยังกระดาน :
( A ) การส่งออกของสิ่งมีชีวิตดัดแปลง
(b) contained use involving living modified organisms;
(c) importation of living modified organisms for purposes of undertaking a contained use activity.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable?
(a) where such person is an individual, to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction;
(b) where such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..