3.3. XRD spectroscopy
The XRD pattern of the coated nylon (sample D) is shown in
Fig. 5. Beam signal volume is derived from nylon (polyamide)
which is considered as a main substrate. The XRD pattern
confirmed the presence of both TiO2 and SrTiO3 on the nanofibers.
The peak is around 2u = 25.18 related to anatase structure of nanoTiO2,
and in 2u = 27.38, the peaks of rutile structure of TiO2 exist.
Also, the pattern showed an additional peak at around 2u = 33.98, a
characteristic peak of the present SrTiO3 (Tausonite). The XRD
results further proves the successful incorporation and uniform
distribution of nanophotocatalysts on the nylon fabric samples.