New residence halls differ from their predecessors because of sophisticated
systems, concern for energy efficiency, and attention to student satisfaction.
Nevertheless, older facilities represent the bulk ofhousing stock on many campuses. A
literature review revealed few recent studies related to student housing. This thesis
questions how residence hall age influences occupant perceptions and actions related to
comfort and energy consumption. The study took place in two residence halls, built in
1963 and 2006, and entailed an occupant survey of 103 residents as well as the collection
of thermal and utility data. Survey results did not show a significant difference in
occupant behaviors between the older and newer buildings. Thermal measurements in
both buildings fell inside and outside the ASHRAE Comfort Zone, which supported
occupant perceptions. Findings indicate a lack of student awareness ofenergy
conservation strategies. Furthermore, greater consistency in campus utility metering
would enable more accurate building performance comparisons.