The fraud of electricity can be committed by illegal, i.e. unregistered customers. Therefore, they are only consumers, not customers.
Fraud may also be committed at the measuring points of
legal, i.e. registered consumers who become customers by signing
a contract. This paper deals with the fraud of electricity committed
only by registered customers.
The fraud of electricity is a source of great non-technical losses
and are a serious problem of functioning power distribution systems.
This problem is especially visible in developing countries,
countries in transition and generally in countries with low national
income per capita. Furthermore, inspections of customer’s measuring
points are usually unprepared and unsophisticated which
results low rate in discovering the fraud. The purpose of this paper
is to promote statistical process control (SPC) strategy for detection
of suspicious electricity customers.
Fraud of electricity by registered customers is a criminal activity
that must be manifested in the time series data of monthly registered
energy. Then, the time series can be termed as anomalous.
The anomaly can be defined as behavior (structural template) that
is not in line with the expected normal behavior. How to detect an
anomaly on the basis of available data? To solve the problem of
anomalies detection, there are the following techniques given in
Detection technique based on classification.
The nearest neighbor technique.
Clustering technique.
Statistical technique.
Information theoretic technique.
Spectral technique.
Handling contextual anomalies.
Handling collective anomalies.