The results of the regressions show that there is no significant association either corporate cash holdings or likelihood of earning management with the corporate governance, using corporate governance index as a proxy. These results are not consistent with precious studies. These may cause by some limitations of this study. First, I am unable to control for all variables potential correlated with accruals and cash level in emerging market, so there remains a possibility that the results may cause by bias caused by some omitted variable. Second, this study focuses on finding the relationship over long period (6 years). Hence, my sample, that must has continuous financial data since 1999 to 2007, may be too small and also have survivor bias. Finally, for corporate governance index, corporate governance level is based on only from 56-1 thus, might not be able to capture the other aspects of corporate governance. However, when using shareholder rights, one of the sub-indices of corporate governance index, I find negative relationship between earnings management and shareholder rights. This may be because independence board of directors, the proxy of shareholders, act for the best interest for shareholders. Hence, reduce the level of earnings manipulation.