The corpus method draws on the evidence from language corpora. It focuses on inductive, data-driven learning, which
emphasises the importance of the exposure to multiple examples of the same linguistic structure and discovering
patterns by learners. Corpus-based exercises provide examples of authentic language use and stimulate discussion
about usefulness and appropriateness of different expressions in a variety of contexts.
The key features of the corpus method are:
◗◗ exposure to multiple examples of authentic language use
◗◗ attention to lexico-grammatical structures
◗◗ information about which phrases and lexico-grammatical structures are frequent
◗◗ contextualised learning
◗◗ raising awareness of the appropriateness aspect of language use (pragmatics)
◗◗ showing typical challenges language learners face at various stages of their development
◗◗ empowering learners to become successful communicators.