Blacksmith Volume 2 Chapter 9
Opening the classroom door, the first thing that came into my sight was a naked girl peacefully sleeping there.
The light coming through the window slightly reflected off of her hair giving off the impression that she was glowing.
Her big, attractive eyes were closed, and the peaceful sound of her breathing softly resounded throughout the room.
And her plump, protruding butt, including her most important parts were completely exposed.
…Well, it was only Neko-sensei though.
“Sensei, I’m here.”
I gave the Neko-sensei who was currently laying down a light shake. A small “Ofu~” was her response, continuing to speak..
What should I do? Should I call out to her?.
“Sensei please wake up, it’s me, Kururi Helan.”
“…nyaa? Ohh, its Kururi-chan nyaa. Welcome nyaa~”
“I’m here because you called me for something, so what did you need?”
“I called you here on the matter of magic research, nyaa. Nyeah, you have to wait a bit because I called another person here too.”
“Another person?”
“Nyeah, I called Arc-chan nyaa. The two of you were specifically called to help with research because you’re the best students I have nyaa.”
Ugh, she invited the number one person I don’t want to get involved with, and it’s him, the first prince, there’s a big chance he’ll bring that other person I don’t really want to get involved with.
It’s not even worth mentioning why I don’t want to be involved with them, I’m scared.
Well, if we get to use magic, I wonder if I can cast in self defence if I need to.
“Why don’t you give me a massage while we’re waiting, nyeah? Recently, a lot of my accumulated fatigue seems to have gathered around my waist, nyaa.”
“Sure, I don’t really mind.”
Sitting down next to Neko-sensei, I started to firmly massage her hips.
“Oh~ Ahn~ Nyan~”
“Can you stop please? That voice is a little…”
“Don’t mind it, nyaa. Now go on, don’t stop meow.”
After that, she continued her moans and the occasional “ufu” during the massage, despite the fact I was glaring at her.
“I’m here, stray.”
With the opening of the door was the appearance of the First Prince, Arc.
He still seems a bit hostile towards me. I’m glad he’s finally here, but there’s more than enough space here for us to keep our distance even if Neko-sensei is here too.
“Oh? So Kururi’s here too huh?”
“Well it’s nice to see you too, Prince.” I replied with a smile, it was only a formality though, I honestly didn’t care about how I greeted him, really.
Even so, the prince’s face twitched in response to the tone I just took to him.
Wait… now that I think about it, isn’t this really bad? Didn’t I just offend the prince of the country I live in without thinking?!
“Nyaa, now that we’re all present, why don’t we start?”
“If you will.”
“Right now I’m going to teach the two of you my unique magic , nyaa. With this spell you can freely change into other forms as you wish, and I’ll give bonus points if it’s a cat nyaa. It’s convenient but, nyeah. Every year I try to teach it to four or five students I take a liking to but barely anybody actually succeeds in using it nyaa.”
“Is that why Sensei’s appearance is that of a cat?”
“That’s wrong, nyaa. This is my original appearance nyaa.”
…Is that so?
“First you need to envelop your body in a veil of magic power, nyaa. As if you’re wearing a costume, nyaa.”
Following her instructions, I tried imitating Neko-sensei.
As I was covering my body with my magic, I envisioned myself being put inside a stuffed toy.
Oh, somehow I can feel something warm welling up inside of me.
“That’s good, nyaa. Kururi-chan has a good sense for magic nyaa.”
On the other hand, the prince seemed to be having trouble with it.
“No, nyaa. Try to imitate me nyaa.”
“Damn, if he can do it, there’s no reason why I won’t be able to.”
He’s awfully aware of me, isn’t he? Just don’t cause any trouble for me.
“You need to let out more nyaa. You’re young, so there shouldn’t be a problem of getting it out because there’s not enough nyaa.”
Neko-sensei is… teaching him, right? Well, disregarding her teaching methods, it seems like Arc was eventually able to grasp the idea behind it.
It would’ve been better though if he just obediently imitated her in the beginning. All he did was waste our time messing around.
“Fu~, I’ve caught up to you, Kururi.”
So what? The only reason why I’m still at this step is because I couldn’t proceed without Neko-sensei’s instructions.
During the time that you were repeating the same mistakes over and over again, I probably would’ve been leagues ahead of you by now.
“The next step is to utilize the magic wrapped around you nyaa. For now, just try changing your hand. The two of you are now changing the ‘substance’ with magic, nyaa. You should be able to do it, after activation all you need to do is maintain your magic supply to it. You can alter it however you wish nyaa. Now try it, engrave the image in your head onto your hand nyaa. ”
Neko-sensei sh