reveal that traditional college students often
engage in risky health behaviors such as
physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, smoking,
and other negative health practices, which
can have long-term effects on their health
(Al-Kandari & Vidal, 2007; Chalmers,
aim To examine health promotion behaviors and barriers to health promotion in traditional and nontraditional nursing
students in an associate degree nursing program in the northeastern United States.
background Nursing students are exposed to concepts of health promotion in the nursing curriculum, but do not
necessarily apply them to their own lives. Examining the variables affecting the health behaviors of nursing students may
provide the information required to motivate lifestyle changes in this population.
method A cross-sectional descriptive design was used to examine the relationship between study variables.
results Nontraditional nursing students participate in health promoting behaviors less often than traditional nursing
students and experience more barriers to health promotion.
conclusion Implementation of health promotion programs targeting nontraditional students may lead to improved health
among these individuals, which may result in increased success in nursing programs.
Jennifer Bryer, Fran Cherkis, and Janet Raman
doi: 10.5480/11-614
V o l u m e 3 4 N u m b e r 6 411
Health Promotion Behaviors
Seguire, & Brown, 2002)