This is a quasi-experimental study that carried
out on 100 women with children under 2 years that
referred to 8 health centers in Arak city one of the
state in Iranian.
In this study, a multi-stage sampling and based on
postal areas in Arak first has been selected 8 the region
and then randomly sampling selected within each area
for a clinic select (Total 8 clinics) then every other one
alternately a clinic in the intervention and control group
allocated in each clinic will sampling randomly Based on
simple household health file is accepted in the centers
Inclusion criteria for this study, mothers were referred
to clinics set up for sampling in Arak which were children
under 2 years and don’t history of febrile convulsion in
family or children and do not in occupational in medicine
or para-medicine. Exclusion criteria included unwillingness
to continue mother's or absence in the study more than 2
sessions of 4 sessions intervention.
In this study, the control group have been selected
to compare the effect of education on health belief
model with traditional training in other centers so that
experimental groups affected by educational intervention
based on Health Belief Model and control group under
routine were training centers.
Data collection method in this study with a
questionnaire which was completed organized interview.
This tools including demographic characteristics,
knowledge questions, Questions susceptibility, severity,
perceived benefits and barriers in febrile convulsion in
children. In total of 20 questions based on 5 scale
option Likert were designed. Curse to action including
2 question and consist of internal and external cues to
action for prevent febril convulsion and performance of
mothers in preventing febril convulsion with chek list
Score questionnaire in part knowledge of the right
to know the answer to points 1 and incorrect answer zero
points were paid at the end of each individual score based
on 100 points has been calculated. In the susceptibility,
severity, perceived benefits and barriers of each question
score range between 1-5 was variable so that the answer
one points completely disagree, disagree is2, no idea is3,
Agree is 4, completely agree is 5 points have received
grants. Finally points above each section based on the
100 score is calculated.