Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much to say that I can’t say. The reason that I cannot say is that there are no words – no words that would adequately express that which we feel for you. Group after group like yours we have talked about things that are so important, to us and to you, the meld between us the way we feel for you, the congratulations that we have for you. Dear ones, inside you the predominant thing that we see is us. There is God in you. Regardless of all other messages from all the rest – anyone channelling, reading, whatever – if they don’t tell you that there’s God in you, then walk the other way. The creation story of the planet says that there is God in you, the masters who walked the earth say there is God in you, all of them. This is the theme of the day and what you’re trying to do at this point is to connect. It is the reason, perhaps, that you would come to a channelling instead of another kind of a meeting – listening for the jewels from Spirit, the things that you would relate to, that which was love.
My partner steps aside during these times and we’ve used the words that he “takes his filters away” and I want to talk about that tonight because, dear ones, if there is anything that keeps you and I from joining as one and seeing the light of spirit in your heart, it’s your filters. I want to talk about what they are, why they are what they are, and also then why partner has been able to reduce them. We only do this for one reason. There’s an overwhelming desire for you to connect from our side. What do you think about God? What have you been told? You’ve been told that it’s some kind of judging parent perhaps? One that would dispense evil on you or that which would disturb you or hurt you or harm you or make you suffer? Can you see the humanism in that? Can you understand that it’s simply a copy of parenting, bad parenting? It’s not God, it’s the best you have to figure out God with your filter. And the filter is what you have which is Human and you apply all things to that and that’s not us. You come from the Creative Source built in the image of the Creator and that image is a metaphor for love. Every single Human has the capacity for love, every Human. Even the ones you would say it’s impossible, look at who they are, look at perhaps what they’ve done – I’m telling you that all of you are created equally in this way. You have the choice to follow the high road to God or not. That’s the duality that lives in each of you. To go into a dark place ,to talk about dark things, or to see the Creator in you, the light has always been this way and Humans are beginning to change.
I want to talk about your filters. If you are sitting here having difficulty believing that this is real, this is going to explain why. If you believe it’s real, but then you have difficulty believing some of the other things that I talk about, I’m going to explain why. There is no judgment that you are this way, dear Human Being. It’s only marveling that you’ve come so far with what you have. What I’m going to call filters is life experience. I’m going to segment it into five places or areas or categories, all of the above, because they’re concepts. I do not use the numbers idly for they all are metaphors of something else. Look up five in numerology, even the simplest of numerology, and you will see why I chose five. There are reasons behind the reasons and as we talk to you I want you to know and to understand this comes from the Central Source, the source of love with a hand extending to you right now saying we love you so much and we can discuss and talk about so much that we understand about you, so much.
The first filter is what we’re going to call growing up. It’s your social filter. As you grew up in your society, you learned about all of it. In the process of being a Human and growing up from small to large, you got lessons along the way of what to believe, what not to believe, how to survive, how others didn’t survive, what to watch out for, what to be careful of. You learned what makes you happy and sad, you developed that which you called your social personality. You learned about other Human Beings. Depending upon what you were, where you were born and what your parents did, you came and became one who was trusting or not trusting, one who questions everything or questions nothing. All of this is a filter. Now let us describe what we call the definition of a filter. If you’re looking at something pure, perhaps it is white light, the purest light that you can imagine, anything that you would put in front of that light that would diminish it, change it, alter it, or color it would be a filter. Growing up is a filter that makes you a certain way as a Human Being. And that particular certain way is what you deal with all your life. Now most of you are fully comfortable with this. It is you; it is your Human nature. It’s also in 3D. Growing up for you for now on this planet is completely and totally three dimensional and in survival mode and here you sit listening to a multidimensional message filled with light. How are you doing with your filter? Because this filter you grew up with would not necessarily tell you that this is accurate, believable or real. Some of you have had to deal with it, alter it, change it, but you’re still you. This is one of the biggest filters that a Human Being has, the most understandable filter that a Human Being has. Dear ones, have you ever met someone that is from a foreign land that is so different from yours that their filter is different? That which they do when they eat is different. The things that they have that they consider elegant etiquette is different. You might do things that would offend them and they would be shocked at, and it’s your normal. You get to see that their filter is different from yours, so you can see every single filter that you would have that you would call social or growing up is unique. Now there’s something that ties all of this together and we’re going to discuss it in a moment. That’s one of five. It taints what you see, what you believe, and what others tell you to believe. It is strong. If somebody wants to change it, it is threatening. It’s in place. Number one.
Number two moves around a bit. It is the spiritual filter. What have you been told about God? Who is God? How do you get to God? Can you speak to God? What is God? Do you believe in God? Is it possible there is a Creator of the Universe that knows your name? Some of you have been told there is a Creator of the Universe who is out to punish you if you don’t find out something obscure during your life. Everyone gets punished equally forever. Is that your God? It changes and the filter moves around as some of you then accept or deny that which you have been taught by others. Sometimes it’s actually a part of the first filter because it’s part of growing up. Your parents then take you to church or to a spiritual event and you own that as yours, because it is theirs. If the grown-up likes it, therefore, it must be all right until you find there is something better or more logical. Spiritual filters are sometimes unique to beliefs. How about yours? The spiritual filter you have is filled with your past, what you’ve done, what you have seen, what you have realized, and the changes that you’ve made that allow you to sit here and yet you still have a filter. What have you learned in metaphysics that’s correct and not correct? Dear ones, the Human mind is excellent at compartmentalizing everything and you have done that with God in your own way. You must set a boundary, you say of belief. Some of you still sit and wonder whether the transmission I’m giving you now, to use that word, is coming from the man or the other side of the veil. And then if it’s coming from the other side of the veil, is it totally accurate or is it filtered by him [Lee Carroll]? That’s your filter judging a filter. Your spiritual filter is important to you not in growing up but in life, for how you see the Creator then tempers how your life goes and what you will do. Are you fearful? Are you joyful? Do you believe the end of life creates another life or does it create punishment or judgment? It’s a strong filter for many, it’s no filter for some, which is still a filter. If you do not believe in the Creative Source, your filter then will not let one in if you see it. It’s a filter. That’s number two.
If you put the filters together, then they make that which you’re trying to see a little more difficult. Each filter dims the light that you would like to see that is pure, each one. If I give you a scenario you’ve never seen before, that you never had when growing up and it’s outside of the box of your spirituality, what will your two filters do? They’ll be in place, strongly in place, you’ll be holding them with both hands so that you don’t get a surprise. This is Human nature, protecting your filter. It is part of what you think it is – your mind – and I’ll tell you why in a moment.
The next one, believe it or not, is very important and it’s your gender filter. Each of you acts a certain way, behaves a certain way, in certain company because of who you are and your gender. The model of your gender, what did your mother tell you about what a woman should be like? You either honored it and did it or rebelled and didn’t, but it made an effect. And the gender that you are, if it is perhaps a woman, you are ladylike or not depending upon that filter’s position, but you still are very aware and act a certain way as a woman. A man has the same kind of thing. What did your father tell you, sir, of what a real man does? And there would be those who would say a real man is one who will never back down in an argument or a real man is on
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much to say that I can’t say. The reason that I cannot say is that there are no words – no words that would adequately express that which we feel for you. Group after group like yours we have talked about things that are so important, to us and to you, the meld between us the way we feel for you, the congratulations that we have for you. Dear ones, inside you the predominant thing that we see is us. There is God in you. Regardless of all other messages from all the rest – anyone channelling, reading, whatever – if they don’t tell you that there’s God in you, then walk the other way. The creation story of the planet says that there is God in you, the masters who walked the earth say there is God in you, all of them. This is the theme of the day and what you’re trying to do at this point is to connect. It is the reason, perhaps, that you would come to a channelling instead of another kind of a meeting – listening for the jewels from Spirit, the things that you would relate to, that which was love.THE HUMAN FILTERMy partner steps aside during these times and we’ve used the words that he “takes his filters away” and I want to talk about that tonight because, dear ones, if there is anything that keeps you and I from joining as one and seeing the light of spirit in your heart, it’s your filters. I want to talk about what they are, why they are what they are, and also then why partner has been able to reduce them. We only do this for one reason. There’s an overwhelming desire for you to connect from our side. What do you think about God? What have you been told? You’ve been told that it’s some kind of judging parent perhaps? One that would dispense evil on you or that which would disturb you or hurt you or harm you or make you suffer? Can you see the humanism in that? Can you understand that it’s simply a copy of parenting, bad parenting? It’s not God, it’s the best you have to figure out God with your filter. And the filter is what you have which is Human and you apply all things to that and that’s not us. You come from the Creative Source built in the image of the Creator and that image is a metaphor for love. Every single Human has the capacity for love, every Human. Even the ones you would say it’s impossible, look at who they are, look at perhaps what they’ve done – I’m telling you that all of you are created equally in this way. You have the choice to follow the high road to God or not. That’s the duality that lives in each of you. To go into a dark place ,to talk about dark things, or to see the Creator in you, the light has always been this way and Humans are beginning to change.I want to talk about your filters. If you are sitting here having difficulty believing that this is real, this is going to explain why. If you believe it’s real, but then you have difficulty believing some of the other things that I talk about, I’m going to explain why. There is no judgment that you are this way, dear Human Being. It’s only marveling that you’ve come so far with what you have. What I’m going to call filters is life experience. I’m going to segment it into five places or areas or categories, all of the above, because they’re concepts. I do not use the numbers idly for they all are metaphors of something else. Look up five in numerology, even the simplest of numerology, and you will see why I chose five. There are reasons behind the reasons and as we talk to you I want you to know and to understand this comes from the Central Source, the source of love with a hand extending to you right now saying we love you so much and we can discuss and talk about so much that we understand about you, so much.FILTER ONE - GROWING UPThe first filter is what we’re going to call growing up. It’s your social filter. As you grew up in your society, you learned about all of it. In the process of being a Human and growing up from small to large, you got lessons along the way of what to believe, what not to believe, how to survive, how others didn’t survive, what to watch out for, what to be careful of. You learned what makes you happy and sad, you developed that which you called your social personality. You learned about other Human Beings. Depending upon what you were, where you were born and what your parents did, you came and became one who was trusting or not trusting, one who questions everything or questions nothing. All of this is a filter. Now let us describe what we call the definition of a filter. If you’re looking at something pure, perhaps it is white light, the purest light that you can imagine, anything that you would put in front of that light that would diminish it, change it, alter it, or color it would be a filter. Growing up is a filter that makes you a certain way as a Human Being. And that particular certain way is what you deal with all your life. Now most of you are fully comfortable with this. It is you; it is your Human nature. It’s also in 3D. Growing up for you for now on this planet is completely and totally three dimensional and in survival mode and here you sit listening to a multidimensional message filled with light. How are you doing with your filter? Because this filter you grew up with would not necessarily tell you that this is accurate, believable or real. Some of you have had to deal with it, alter it, change it, but you’re still you. This is one of the biggest filters that a Human Being has, the most understandable filter that a Human Being has. Dear ones, have you ever met someone that is from a foreign land that is so different from yours that their filter is different? That which they do when they eat is different. The things that they have that they consider elegant etiquette is different. You might do things that would offend them and they would be shocked at, and it’s your normal. You get to see that their filter is different from yours, so you can see every single filter that you would have that you would call social or growing up is unique. Now there’s something that ties all of this together and we’re going to discuss it in a moment. That’s one of five. It taints what you see, what you believe, and what others tell you to believe. It is strong. If somebody wants to change it, it is threatening. It’s in place. Number one.
Number two moves around a bit. It is the spiritual filter. What have you been told about God? Who is God? How do you get to God? Can you speak to God? What is God? Do you believe in God? Is it possible there is a Creator of the Universe that knows your name? Some of you have been told there is a Creator of the Universe who is out to punish you if you don’t find out something obscure during your life. Everyone gets punished equally forever. Is that your God? It changes and the filter moves around as some of you then accept or deny that which you have been taught by others. Sometimes it’s actually a part of the first filter because it’s part of growing up. Your parents then take you to church or to a spiritual event and you own that as yours, because it is theirs. If the grown-up likes it, therefore, it must be all right until you find there is something better or more logical. Spiritual filters are sometimes unique to beliefs. How about yours? The spiritual filter you have is filled with your past, what you’ve done, what you have seen, what you have realized, and the changes that you’ve made that allow you to sit here and yet you still have a filter. What have you learned in metaphysics that’s correct and not correct? Dear ones, the Human mind is excellent at compartmentalizing everything and you have done that with God in your own way. You must set a boundary, you say of belief. Some of you still sit and wonder whether the transmission I’m giving you now, to use that word, is coming from the man or the other side of the veil. And then if it’s coming from the other side of the veil, is it totally accurate or is it filtered by him [Lee Carroll]? That’s your filter judging a filter. Your spiritual filter is important to you not in growing up but in life, for how you see the Creator then tempers how your life goes and what you will do. Are you fearful? Are you joyful? Do you believe the end of life creates another life or does it create punishment or judgment? It’s a strong filter for many, it’s no filter for some, which is still a filter. If you do not believe in the Creative Source, your filter then will not let one in if you see it. It’s a filter. That’s number two.
If you put the filters together, then they make that which you’re trying to see a little more difficult. Each filter dims the light that you would like to see that is pure, each one. If I give you a scenario you’ve never seen before, that you never had when growing up and it’s outside of the box of your spirituality, what will your two filters do? They’ll be in place, strongly in place, you’ll be holding them with both hands so that you don’t get a surprise. This is Human nature, protecting your filter. It is part of what you think it is – your mind – and I’ll tell you why in a moment.
The next one, believe it or not, is very important and it’s your gender filter. Each of you acts a certain way, behaves a certain way, in certain company because of who you are and your gender. The model of your gender, what did your mother tell you about what a woman should be like? You either honored it and did it or rebelled and didn’t, but it made an effect. And the gender that you are, if it is perhaps a woman, you are ladylike or not depending upon that filter’s position, but you still are very aware and act a certain way as a woman. A man has the same kind of thing. What did your father tell you, sir, of what a real man does? And there would be those who would say a real man is one who will never back down in an argument or a real man is on
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