If Filipinos don't understand a question, they open their mouths. Raised eyebrows signify recognition and agreement.
Laughter may convey pleasure or embarrassment; it is commonly used to relieve tension.
"Yes" is signified by a jerk of the head upward. "No" is signified by a jerk of the head down. Since the Filipinos rarely say no, the non-verbal sign for "no" is sometimes accompanied by a verbal yes, which would still indicate "no."
Staring is considered rude and could be misinterpreted as a challenge, but Filipinos may stare or even touch foreigners, especially in areas where foreigners are rarely seen.
To Filipinos, standing with your hands on your hips means you are angry.
Never curl your index finger back and forth (to beckon). This is an insult.
To indicate two of something, raise your ring and pinkie fingers.
To beckon, extend arm, palm down, moving fingers in scratching motion. Touch someone's elbow lightly to attract attention. Do not tap on the shoulder.
"Eyebrow flash" -- a quick lifting of eyebrows -- is a Filipino greeting.
If Filipinos don't understand a question, they open their mouths. Raised eyebrows signify recognition and agreement.
Laughter may convey pleasure or embarrassment; it is commonly used to relieve tension.
"Yes" is signified by a jerk of the head upward. "No" is signified by a jerk of the head down. Since the Filipinos rarely say no, the non-verbal sign for "no" is sometimes accompanied by a verbal yes, which would still indicate "no."
Staring is considered rude and could be misinterpreted as a challenge, but Filipinos may stare or even touch foreigners, especially in areas where foreigners are rarely seen.
To Filipinos, standing with your hands on your hips means you are angry.
Never curl your index finger back and forth (to beckon). This is an insult.
To indicate two of something, raise your ring and pinkie fingers.
To beckon, extend arm, palm down, moving fingers in scratching motion. Touch someone's elbow lightly to attract attention. Do not tap on the shoulder.
"Eyebrow flash" -- a quick lifting of eyebrows -- is a Filipino greeting.
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