As a result of the Safety Passport programme, safety
induction training curriculum was standardized and
redundant training was eliminated. It also has provided
a platform for workers in the same industry to share
knowledge and experience with each other. Another
important benefit of the systems was the creation of an
integrated database to support workers. The assessment
system ensured that all are equipped with basic safety
NIOSH has developed more than a dozen Safety
Passport systems, for such industries as oil and gas,
fabricators, electronics/manufacturing, construction,
port and airport operation, hospitality, energy and
telecommunication. Participants in the programme have
acknowledged that the number of accidents, unsafe
activities and improper safety conditions within their
workplace have reduced as a result.
Moving forward
NIOSH has been improving its system by benchmarking
its Safety Passport systems against similar systems in
Europe. Actually, the NIOSH Safety Passport system is
considered more intensive and comprehensive in terms
of content coverage. Because NIOSH is the only agency
allowed to conduct the assessment, it has greater power
to control changes regarding OSH standards.