We arrived at the adventurer district, after a mere ten minutes.
Aisha's body was trembling, and she sank down to the ground.
Her legs seem to have given out.
Aisha might be weak to heights.
My bad.
"Oniichan, at least, travel on the ground..."
A lot of my family and acquaintances seem to be bad with heights.
Sylphy's also afraid of heights, and I'm not so good with them either.
Only Eris seems to like high places.
"I would have gotten into an accident running on the ground. Now, let's quickly find mother."
"Uu... can't walk."
"Don't worry, I can give you a piggyback ride."
"No more jumping?"
"No jumping."
With Aisha settled on my back, we began the search.
That said, the adventurer district is big.
Where should we start...
"Oniichan, we should check the taverns. It's dinnertime, we might find them eating somewhere."
"Ah, that's right."
In response to Aisha's advice, I began trotting down the street.
We checked the taverns down the street, looking for Zenith or Gisu.
Because it's dinnertime, the taverns are crowded.
However, it's unnecessary to check every person one by one.
By asking the tavern keepers, we can check quickly.
A woman with a blank expression with a monkey-faced demon race man.
They should stand out.
Even this late, the adventurer district is still crowded.
Adventurers were returning from requests with their spoils.
Merchants were busy doing business with the adventurers.
After work, the adventurers were flocking to eat.
Tavern keepers were herding hungry adventurers into their bars.
Occasionally the sounds of a fight between adventurers or mercenaries rang out.
Probably because of the late hour, there are few carriages on the road.
So the possibility of Zenith being run over as she's walking about is low.
With that I feel a little relieved.
"Monkey face? Ah, Gisu?
That guy, doesn't he stay at the [Spring's Eve]?"
We've already checked three inns.
Gisu has been in this country for awhile.
So just about everyone has seen him around.
"Did you see him with a woman?"
"A woman...? Hmm...?
The clerk tilted his head.
But, I'll know after I check.
I asked the clerk for directions to [Spring's Eve].
After tossing him a copper coin, we hurried to [Spring's Eve].
I have a bad feeling.