You really want to know?” Asked the beast while turning around and looking at Lin Feng again. His smile was becoming more and more bestial.
Lin Feng didn’t understand what his interlocutor meant but he slightly nodded.
“Hehe, I will tell you, there’s no harm in doing so. I’ve been sick and tired of being a ferocious beast for a very long time, Now, I am about to obtain a human form and become a normal human.” Said the beast with twinkling eyes. His voice was husky: “I will finally be able to get rid of my bestial body and obtain an authentic human body.”
“Huh?” Lin Feng frowned, he would become an authentic human being? Could ferocious beasts become real authentic humans?
“My honoured guest, you still don’t understand? Humans will always reign over the continent and everything in creation. Even though we, ferocious beasts have a body more suitable for fighting than a human, humans can rely on their understanding and then outstanding cultivators who are stronger than ferocious beasts appear. The potential of human cultivators is almost infinite whereas ferocious beasts are doomed from their birth, their talent and natural abilities never change, they can only rely on the destiny they were born with.”
Lin Feng calmly listened to his interlocutor. It was the first time that he heard about these things because he had never considered these things before. Actually, things were really like the man was describing them, humans were able to cultivate to a higher level, even though there were incomparably strong ferocious beasts with terrifying strength, the continent didn’t lack extremely strong cultivators, therefore, no matter how strong a ferocious beast was, there would always be an even stronger cultivator out there to defeat them, therefore, humans reigned over the continent and not ferocious beasts.
Ferocious beasts were already doomed from birth and could only rely on their bloodline. Human beings had unlimited potential, it all depended on how much effort they were willing to invest into cultivation.
“However, there are always opportunities, when ferocious beasts reach the Tian level, we have a decisive decision to make, partial or full transformation into a human.”
“The human transformation is divided into two possibilities, one can keep one’s beast body and temporarily turn into a human being, it’s a bit like putting on a human disguise but the Qi that one releases is still bestial, however, the second possibility is to completely transform into an authentic human and leave one’s animal body behind. At that moment, one doesn’t have the intelligence of a beast anymore, but that of a human. One would lose the fighting power of a beast to gain the understanding of a human cultivator.”
Lin Feng was astonished, two possibilities, one was to stay as a beast and the other one was to become a human.
That was the first time that he heard that ferocious beasts could become human.
“So the human transformation process has already started for you?” Asked Lin Feng, the Tian level beast nodded, he had already started transforming.
“Reaching the Tian level is like dipping your toe into the human world without being truly accepted by humans, right?” Asked Lin Feng trying to find an explanation.
The Tian level beast was astonished and staring at Lin Feng with an evil smile, he then immediately continued: “You are very smart but even if I tell you these things, what can you do? The first choice is very easy, any ferocious wild beast can do it, but becoming human is another story, during the transformation process, the natural power of a beast body is removed, in other words, it means that I won’t have the strength of the Tian level any longer. Besides, it is not guaranteed that the transformation will succeed, if it fails, my level will still be reduced. It’s a once in a lifetime risk.”
“As expected.” Whispered Lin Feng. The man had chosen the second option. While he was going through the transformation process, his strength was reduced, he wouldn’t be able to increase his level during that period of time. On top of that, if it failed, his strength of his body would never return. Only ferocious beasts could understand how large of a risk it was.
“Well then, how can you increase the chances of success?” Asked Lin Feng looking lost in thought.
“Having contact with humans.” Replied the Tian level beast which astonished Lin Feng.