Quality of red raspberry fruits were significantly affected both
by genotype and harvest season. The genotypes were differently
affected by year-to-year variation. Consequently, the authors will
accentuate the importance of evaluating new genotypes in experimental
trials over several years to find genotypes with high
nutritional value and stable fruit quality independent of seasonal
variation. Based on fruit chemical composition suitability of different
genotypes both for fresh market and industrial purposes
has been assessed. The cultivar ‘Veten’, the preffered cultivar for
processing in Norway, was characterised by high concentrations
of anthocyanins and dark red colour. The new genotypes ‘RU984
06038’ and ‘RU024 01003’ had similar properties as ‘Veten’ and
may be well suited for processing. ‘Glen Ample’ was characterised
by low hue, low concentrations of phenolic compounds, including
anthocyanins, and low ascorbic acid content, in addition to low SS
and SS/TA ratio. ‘Glen Magna’ and ‘RU004 03067’ had comparable
properties to ‘Glen Ample’. The genotypes ‘RU004 04095’, ‘Malling
Hestia’, ‘RU024 01003’ and ‘RU974 07002’ were characterised by
high SS/TA ratio and high concentration of ascorbic acid, properties
that may be looked-for in fruits for fresh consumption.