The Politics of Tourism in Myanmar
Joan C. Henderson
Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The relationship between politics and tourism is complex and multi-faceted, and a
subject which is assuming a higher priority in the researchliterature.This articleexamines
the politics of tourisminMyanmar where tourismhas been shapedby internaland
external political forces while also becoming a highly visible and contested political
issue.The political background and its effect onMyanmar’s tourismare explained and
the standpoints of the principal groups involved are discussed, with particular attentiongiven
tothat of the government and its policies. Referenceis alsomade to demands
for a boycott and the ensuing debate about its value. The various parties are seen to
interpret and make use of tourism as a political tool in contrasting ways which reflect
theirown interestsand agendas. Finally, some general conclusions are presentedabout
the linkages connecting the central concepts under reviewand the need to consider tourism
within the framework of prevailing national and international political systems in
order to fully appreciate its significance.