Value-Per-Visitor (VPV): Value-Per-Visitor (also known as “visitor value”). Now Value-Per-Visitor (or VPV) is the average revenue per visitor calculated by multiplying (listen closely) the conversion rate by the product offer price. For example, let’s say you have 1 percent conversion. That means one out of every hundred people are buying. And let’s they they’re buying a hundred dollar offer.
Well, if you have 1 percent buying (that’s a 1 percent conversion) and you have a hundred dollar offer, then your VPV is an average of $1.00. It’s a little stronger measurement than conversion rate because conversion rate is only half the picture. You need to bring in the offer price, because as you raise the offer price, and if you keep the same conversion, you’re VPV increases. When your visitor value increases, you make more money and profits. Affiliates want to mail for you, because they know they can make more money, and everyone is happier because they make more passive income. VPV is Value-Per-Visitor