Before I launch into the guts of the matter, let me settle an important point. Feelings are feelings and feelings are not thoughts. People use the word “feeling” when they are speaking of thoughts often. I think they learn this along the way, but also I think that many people are somewhat intimidated by the word “feeling” and thus people who use it are often treated as more believable. Whatever, let me set the record straight right up front.
As I move along, you may get the impression that feelings are a bit more real than thought. I believe that. Feelings are very real. They happen. They exist even when people say they are not there. People can misunderstand feeling, mis-label them, but the underlying feelings are still present. Feelings are very objective. Researchers know what babies are feeling in the womb. I can measure the contents of your blood stream and thus measure and describe some of your feelings.
I can not do that about your thoughts. Thoughts or thought processes seem to be much more vague. I can think one thing all morning and think the opposite all afternoon. I can fully believe that which I fully disbelieve in 10 minutes. I think of thoughts a little the way I think of data in a computer. Words, words, words.
But feelings seem very solid. I believe it is silly to trust thoughts and be hesitant about feelings. Still that seems to be what our culture teaches.