To :- Khun Kanjana S.,
Thanks for your email, summarizing the problems faced by you, in regards to our PEG 400ML and PEG200 DL.
In the outset, I would like to put it on records, the following, as some of your charges are not correct :-
1)The main problem, in this case was of “not defining the products’ specifications, while ordering”. We were informed that product is going to be used for coating application rather than personal care application.
The only requirement defined were “Saponification value; Acid Value; Water content; Appearance”, as per documents given by you. They were met at the time of supply. The problem occurred when you used it in your process.
2)As for the initial packing, it was neither recycled nor unlined. The drums were Epoxy lined steel drums. Only problem was, they were repainted from outside. In fact the quality of the epoxy lining of the first packing was better than the later supply of new phenolic resin coated local drums, as local manufacturing has limitation. In fact, the drums’ manufacturer is doubting whether they can be used for fatty acids and esters, as we have raised a complain to them. They inform us that it can be used only for chemicals like Glycerine. Anyhow, we are pursuing the matter and studying it further. Our other customers do not look for external appearance of the drums but the internal epoxy coating and quality.
3)As for return of the goods, as far I know WG, is making arrangements for the same. It takes a while for the inter- company communication and arranging a transport to receive the material back.
4)finally, we will come to some conclusion, after the results of the samples being tested, comes out.
This is for your information.
S. G. Deshpande.