Hello Cat! Today I started to write you the letter in the morning as soon as I have come for work.
I have written some offers and to me patients have come. I have just cured a teeth of the little boy.
That he was not afraid, I have asked his about his dreams.
He has answered that Dreams to become adults because adults do not have problems with a teeth. :-)
It was so amusing. I often recollect the childhood. I always dreamt To become adults as soon as possible.
As each child I believed, that adults in general do not have problems. I liked to dream in the childhood
and I love we dream now.
Certainly, the world of dreams the illusory world, but we live actually, therefore to dream it is necessary very seldom :-)
It become always a pity that our dreams not a reality.
The person applies many efforts and aspires to that his the dream has come true, but not all in this life depends on us.
When the dream during long time does not come true, the dream stops to be that star, which was for you a beacon
at ocean of a life which shined Your way.
But anyhow, I think, that it is impossible to live without dreams and hopes. When there is a dream, the life is filled with sense.
Dreams - those things which do us by people, it Distinguishes us from fauna.
Dreams bring a variety in a usual and grey life.
Dreams force to think, to analyze, come to conclusion. Belief and Hope - eternal companions of our life.
Cat, you agree with me? I am surprised, that I write you all it.
I never had the person with whom I could divide the thoughts. But now I have found you, and I am very glad.
Forgive to me for my frankness. If I have told something superfluous, forgive me please.
Tell, it is pleasant to you when your friends come to your house?
It is pleasant to me very much when my friends come to me.
I like to prepare and for this reason I treat with their various tasty dishes.
Ekaterina too well prepares, and shi often helps me.
We often prepare Various dishes also it is treated each other.
I usually like the Russian dishes - pel'menis, soups, pancakes. But I also love kitchen of the near east.
Cat, I have told to you, that I have visited Ekaterina in hospital.
I was there approximately two hours and Ekaterina were very happy, that I have spent its birthday together with his.
I have brought Elene a chocolate pie, flowers and balloons.
Balloons were different colours, Ekaterina it is pleasant, when many different colours.
Wash favourite colour - dark blue.
And what colour is pleasant to you? Ekaterina and I spoke about you. I Has told, that you are very good person.
Ekaterina asked to send you regards and has wished good luck In my relations with you.
I will look forward your letter. Elena