Scrub down your desktop with a disinfectant. 2. Expose your TSA plate according to your assignment in the chart below. Label the bottom of your plate with your name and ID, your assignment number and the date. 3. Moisten a sterile swab by immersing it into a tube of nutrient broth an expressing most of the broth out of it by pressing the swab against the inside wall of the tube. 4. Rub the moistened swab over a part of your body such as a finger or ear, or some object such as a doorknob or telephone mouthpiece, and return the swab to the tube of the broth. 5. Label the tube with your name and ID and the source of bacteria. 6. Expose the blood agar plate by coughing onto it. Label the bottom of the plate with the individuals who cough onto it. Be sure to date the plate also. 7. Incubate the plates and tube at 37oC for 48 hours.