Therefore IFU-Stuttgart and the German press builders MuÈller-Weingarten, SPS, SMG and Hydrap together with Mannesmann-Rexroth (Hydraulic Components) developed a press system with reduced costs. This new system operates the base of different cylinders for moving the ram with the upper die and for holding the upper and the lower die closed. To move the ram with the upper die only small forces are necessary. The hydraulic cylinder on top of the press for that has to have a large stroke but not a high force. When the die is closed it is only necessary to hold it tightly closed. For this cylinders with high forces but only a small stroke are necessary. These cylinders are placed between the frame of the press and the press table. Before these cylinders act, steel blocks (spacers) are pulled in between the frame of the press and the ram so that the ram is mechanically locked. The process is shown in Figs. 18±29.