Soy protein isolate (SPI), bovine whey protein (BWP) and egg white protein (EWP) were
hydrolyzed with the protease Flavourzyme 500Ls, and the effects of the media supplemented
with these different proteins and their mixtures on the growth performance of
bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria strains and functional properties were studied using
a simplex centroid mixture design. Synergistic effects between the formulations containing
binary or ternary mixtures were observed for several parameters. For functional
properties, the enzymatic hydrolysis increased protein solubility except for EWP and its
mixtures. However the hydrolysates exhibited a tendency to decrease their foaming
capacities and heat stability. A synergistic effect was found for the emulsion activity
index of two binary formulations and the ternary mixture, with increases of up to 155.2%.
The hydrolyzed samples positively stimulated the bacteria growth. Compared with control,
the cell growth of the mix culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii,
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis were increased with the supplementation
of the media with mixtures of BWP (1/2) plus EWP (1/2) and SPI (1/2) plus BWP (1/2) at
25.0 mg mL1 in 100.0, 29.4 and 86.2%, respectively.
& 2
Soy protein isolate (SPI), bovine whey protein (BWP) and egg white protein (EWP) werehydrolyzed with the protease Flavourzyme 500Ls, and the effects of the media supplementedwith these different proteins and their mixtures on the growth performance ofbifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria strains and functional properties were studied usinga simplex centroid mixture design. Synergistic effects between the formulations containingbinary or ternary mixtures were observed for several parameters. For functionalproperties, the enzymatic hydrolysis increased protein solubility except for EWP and itsmixtures. However the hydrolysates exhibited a tendency to decrease their foamingcapacities and heat stability. A synergistic effect was found for the emulsion activityindex of two binary formulations and the ternary mixture, with increases of up to 155.2%.The hydrolyzed samples positively stimulated the bacteria growth. Compared with control,the cell growth of the mix culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii,Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis were increased with the supplementationof the media with mixtures of BWP (1/2) plus EWP (1/2) and SPI (1/2) plus BWP (1/2) at25.0 mg mL1 in 100.0, 29.4 and 86.2%, respectively.& 2
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