texture of rehydrated rice. Moreover, the larger volume in the low
bulk density rice would result in less color intensity and also more
lightness due to less concentration of color pigments. Apart from
the porous structure, the low bulk density could be caused by the
surface characteristics of the kernel that affected the accommodation
of the rice grain in the bulk.
Additionally, the color intensity of dried sample was found to
have negative correlation with the stickiness of rehydrated rice
(P 0.05); however, its correlations with the hardness, lightness
and rehydration ratio were insignificant. The more color intensity
of dried sample might occur as a result of higher concentration of
color pigments in denser structure of dried rice product. The denser
structure of dried sample leaded to less stickiness of rehydrated
rice. It is because the denser structure had less ruptured starch
granules resulting in the less leaching out of amylose and