Figure 4 describes the nominal dimension of hammers
and indicates the geometric tolerance needed to allow the
correct assembly of the part. Grade CT10 - UNI EN ISO
8062 is required for dimensional tolerances. Due to the complex shapes and the high material
strength, hammer machining (face milling) is usually
manually performed but working conditions are
particularly heavy and safety is not guaranteed because
of hot and dangerous sparks, fine metal powders, heavy
and bulky tools, repetitive movements, considerable
reaction forces and heavy weights which also hamper to
achieve a good and constant quality on workpieces.
Robotic machining guarantees labour wellness and
cost effective production, thanks to the robot flexibility and
small ratio between cost and work volume [2], [5] but the
heavy weight of hammers, up to 130Kg, and the high
material hardness, represent difficult challenges also for
heavy industrial robots. In add, the payload limits require
a very careful robot selection.