Thank you for writing to eBay's Customer Service. My name is Matthew and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you for your concern.
I understand your situation but unfortunately your case are not consider as Canada post work disruption which we are not meet our requirement since we've clarly timeline during situation and we are aware that we might not to working on it on your case.
If you wish to talk with our representative with your concern you may contact our eBay Customer Support at 0018004418105 (Thai language support) This is Toll Free number, you can call directly from landlines or your mobile phone. We will be happy to support you in Thai language speaking.
Our business hours from Monday - Friday 9.00AM - 5.00PM.
I trust that the steps I've provided will help resolve your concern. I wish you all the best on eBay in the future.
For any other information, click on “Help & Contact” option on the top right side of the page.