Just then Lucas’ body came walking trough the door in his gray sweats and shirt and leaned up against the night stand looking at me with a smirk.
“In fact,” I continued trying not I get distracted, “We’re probably going to call it a night early… Yeah I know we’re going to sleep in the same room so I can keep an eye on Harry… Stop worrying so much and enjoy your alone time, I have everything taken care of big bro.” I smiled and winked at Harry, who proceeded to rub and grab at his package through his sweat pants.
“I.. Uhh.. I have to go Lucas… Yeah you owe me one bro.” I said before hanging up the phone.
“I thought he’d never hang up.” I sighed.
“Everyone’s asleep,” Harry said in Lucas’ deep voice, “And we’ve got the room all to ourselves.” He smirked as he started flexing his bicep.