One month old tomato seedlings were transplanted in plots (10 m2), with the spacing of 30-40 cm, in the month of December, 2012. The experiment was conducted with the five treatments having selected combinations of chemical fertilizers and EM compost, alone or in different ratios. Earlier experiments undertaken with EM compost had shown that it can provide 50kg N/ha (pers. Comm.). The five treatments were: Absolute control (T1); recommended full dose of chemical fertilizers (RDF) N100P60K50 (T2); half of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers N50P30K25 (T3); N50P30K25 + EM compost 5 t ha-1 (T4); EM compost 10 t ha-1 (T5). The experiment was conducted in four replicates, as a randomized block design (RBD). The recommended chemical fertilizers (T2) for tomato included 100 kg ha-1 nitrogen which was applied as prilled urea, Whereas 60 kg ha-1 phosphorous and 50 kg ha-1 potassium were applied in the form of single super phosphate (SSP) and muriate of potash (MOP), respectively. Additionally, treatment-T4 receiving EM at the rate of 5 t ha-1 compost was supplemented with only half of the recommended dose of N, P and K fertilizers. The recommended package of practices was followed for raising the tomato crop.