Antifungal activity of leaf extract of E. citriodora: The
In vitro antifungal potential of methanolic Leaf Extract of
E. citriodora was recorded against F. oxysporum strain B.
The employed concentrations of leaf extract significantly
decreased the fungal biomass as compared to control
treatment. The pattern of gradually lower production of
biomass in response to increasing concentrations of
methanolic extract was relatively more sharp (98 to 99%)
in 4-5% concentrations. Arrest in biomass production was
least in the lowest concentration (1%) but it was still
significant in comparison to control as it induced about
47% suppression in biomass. Among all the employed
concentrations, the most promising effect on the growth
of fungal biomass was observed at the highest
concentration (5%) as it caused maximum reduction of
99% in fungal biomass (Fig. 4).